Building an SMS Marketing Agency with GoHighLevel

SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is becoming an increasingly popular channel for businesses to reach and engage with customers. With open rates as high as 98% and immediacy unmatched by email, SMS marketing presents significant opportunities for agencies to help clients generate leads, make sales, and build loyalty.

GoHighLevel provides a robust all-in-one platform tailored for marketing agencies to manage the entire client lifecycle. With powerful SMS capabilities through Twilio integration, GoHighLevel enables agencies to scale their SMS marketing services quickly.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to build a successful SMS marketing agency leveraging the tools and automation of GoHighLevel.

Why SMS Marketing is the Next Big Thing for Agencies

Here are some key advantages that make SMS marketing a lucrative service for agencies to offer clients:

  • Instant delivery and high open rates – SMS messages have unrivaled immediacy, with 90% opened and read within 3 minutes. Open rates average 98% compared to 20-30% for email.
  • Higher response and conversion rates – SMS generates conversation, driving engagement. Click-through rates are as high as 40%, with conversion rates around 10-15 times higher than email.
  • Boosts other channels – Using SMS to follow up on emails or ads can boost response rates on those channels by 100-400%.
  • Personalization – Two-way communication allows for personalized messages based on consumer data and behaviors.
  • Universal reach– Over 5 billion people have mobile phones, making SMS a mass communication channel.

With the rise of smartphone usage and text messaging, SMS marketing presents a significant growth opportunity for digital marketing agencies in 2023 and beyond.

Why GoHighLevel is the Best Platform for SMS Marketing Agencies

While there are many SMS providers, GoHighLevel stands out with its robust automation tailored for agencies combined with deep SMS capabilities.

Here are the key advantages of using GoHighLevel as an SMS marketing agency:

  • All-in-one platform – Manage your entire client lifecycle from CRM, email automation, chatbots, SMS campaigns, and more in one place.
  • Twilio integration – Leverage the power of Twilio to send and receive SMS globally at scale. Two-way messaging provides real-time engagement.
  • Segmentation and personalization – Send hyper-targeted messages personalized for each subscriber based on behaviors and attributes.
  • Automated workflows – Create automated SMS sequences like drip campaigns, welcome messages, order confirmations, and more.
  • Analytics – Detailed SMS analytics provide insight into open rates, response times, clicks, and conversions.
  • Agency focusFeatures like client sub-accounts, team collaboration, and white labeling streamline multi-client management.

With this powerful combination, GoHighLevel contains all the tools needed to manage every aspect of an SMS marketing agency efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building an SMS Marketing Agency with GoHighLevel

Follow this step-by-step guide to start your SMS marketing agency leveraging GoHighLevel:

Research Your Niche Market

First, conduct in-depth research into your target market and ideal client niches. Understand their pain points and how SMS marketing can help address those needs.

Identify where your niche customers are already congregating online and which marketing channels they are most responsive to. This data will inform your agency messaging and enable you to demonstrate the value of SMS to your clients.

Set Up Your Agency Website and Sales Funnels

Leverage GoHighLevel’s drag-and-drop website builder and pre-made templates to launch your agency website quickly.

Make sure to tailor all messaging around the value of SMS marketing and the power of automation to boost results.

Use GoHighLevel sales funnels to capture leads through opt-ins like blogs, guides, quizzes, and webinars. Then, nurture leads towards becoming clients with automated SMS and email follow-up.

Integrate GoHighLevel with Twilio

Seamlessly connect your GoHighLevel account to Twilio in minutes. This integration will empower your agency to send and receive SMS globally at scale.

With Twilio, you can leverage shortcodes, custom sender IDs, two-way messaging, MMS, and more to create cutting-edge SMS experiences.

Establish Your SMS Marketing Process

Document your agency’s process for onboarding clients and executing SMS campaigns. This includes:

  • Onboarding checklist
  • Data Import
  • SMS campaign building
  • Copywriting
  • Segmentation
  • Automation set up
  • Testing
  • Results tracking
  • Optimization

Map this into GoHighLevel workflows with task assignments, timelines, and deadlines.

Create Compliance Processes

Since SMS is highly regulated, it is crucial to establish thorough compliance processes. This includes:

  • Opt-in requirements and documentation
  • TCPA compliance
  • CAN-SPAM Compliance
  • Honoring opt-outs
  • Data security protocols

Build these directly into your agency’s onboarding, campaign creation, and automation procedures within GoHighLevel. Maintain meticulous compliance records.

Set Your SMS Pricing and Packages

Determine how you will price your SMS marketing services. Common models include:

  • Per message fee
  • Monthly subscription with allotted messages
  • Flat campaign fee
  • Hybrid packages

Assess your costs, including software, labor, and Twilio SMS costs, to calculate your minimum pricing threshold. Structure packaged offerings at various price points and service levels.

Market Your Agency

With your website built, sales process established, and packages ready, it’s time to get the word out.

Leverage content marketing, SEO, paid ads, email marketing, and sales funnels cultivated in GoHighLevel to drive leads. Participate in relevant communities and forums. Look for partnership opportunities.

Deliver Results for Clients

Over-deliver your SMS marketing services for those initial clients. Optimize open rates, clicks, and conversions. Show them the power of SMS and automation to give them an unmatched ROI compared to other channels.

Ask for case studies, reviews, referrals, and testimonials to strengthen your agency profile, reputation, and trust.

Refine and Scale Your Agency

Continuously refine your agency’s processes, workflows, packages, and marketing. Use GoHighLevel reporting to determine optimal client segments, services, pricing, and more.

Automate as much as possible. Outsource tasks like design and copywriting. Hire team members to scale while maintaining quality. Expand your services beyond just SMS marketing.

By mastering the combination of SMS marketing and automation with GoHighLevel, you are set up for an incredibly scalable and prosperous agency model.

GoHighLevel Features to Run your SMS Marketing Agency

Now that you understand the big picture strategy let’s explore the critical features within GoHighLevel that will enable you to operate an SMS marketing agency expertly:

End-to-End Client Lifecycle Management

GoHighLevel enables you to manage your entire client lifecycle from a centralized hub:

  • Lead capturing tools – Capture more leads with website popups, landing pages, forms, and chatbots.
  • CRM – Organize, track, and nurture leads leveraging pipeline management.
  • Project management – Collaborate on SMS campaign execution and optimization.
  • Invoicing and payments – Quote, invoice, accept payments. Integrates with QuickBooks.
  • White labeling – Apply your brand across every client touchpoint.

Website Builder

Quickly build a polished website and sales funnels for your agency without any code:

  • Customizable templates – Easily modify sleek, mobile-responsive templates.
  • Marketing focused – Optimize pages to convert visitors into leads and sales.
  • Promote SMS services – Showcase SMS campaigns, successes, and differentiators.
  • Calls-to-action – Install opt-ins like quizzes, demos, and contact forms to capture leads.

CRM and Pipeline Management

GoHighLevel CRM enables advanced lead management and sales pipeline optimization:

  • Lead scoring – Identify the hottest leads based on behaviors, attributes, and activity.
  • Email and SMS automation – Convert more leads with programmed nudges and follow-ups.
  • Sales stages tracking – Visually manage opportunities through every stage.
  • Notes and tasks – Collaboration between team members.
  • Contact profiles – Comprehensive records integrate data from multiple sources.

Powerful Automation

Automate repetitive tasks to scale your agency efficiently:

  • Email sequences – Automatically follow up and nurture new contacts over time.
  • Appointment booking – Instantly schedule meetings using GoHighLevel’s calendar.
  • SMS workflows – Program drip campaigns, reminders, alerts, and more via SMS.
  • Client onboarding – Welcome new clients and import data with no effort.
  • Billing – Set up automatic recurring invoices.

TWILIO SMS Integration

Unleash the power of Twilio to send and receive SMS messages at scale:

  • Two-way messaging – Have honest conversations with leads and clients via SMS.
  • Shortcodes – Use memorable 5-6 digit numbers to boost engagement.
  • Custom Sender ID – Display your agency name or phone number instead of random numbers.
  • MMS – Send images, gifs, videos, and documents over SMS.
  • Global reach – Message anyone in the world.

Twilio integration empowers advanced SMS capabilities to run cutting-edge campaigns.

Analytics and Reporting

Monitor the performance of your SMS initiatives:

  • Open and click tracking – See who opened messages and tapped links or buttons.
  • Engagement metrics – Response rates, times, messages sent/received.
  • Message logs – Review entire conversations in context.
  • CRM activity – Track lead response to SMS outreach.
  • ROI reporting – Demonstrate campaign impact and value delivered.

Leverage complex data to refine your agency’s processes and client deliverables continuously.

Getting Started with GoHighLevel as an SMS Marketing Agency

Here are the simple steps to get started with GoHighLevel as an SMS marketing agency:

  1. Sign up for a free 14-day trial of GoHighLevel.
  2. Explore the platform and set up your agency profile.
  3. Integrate your account with Twilio.
  4. Build your agency website and SMS marketing sales funnels.
  5. Create SMS automation and compliance workflows.
  6. Start bringing on clients!

Check out GoHighLevel’s Agency Plans and select the package that fits your needs. Please take advantage of their free onboarding and expert training to quickly master the platform.

Scaling Your SMS Marketing Agency with GoHighLevel

Once you have built initial momentum, it’s time to scale your agency for greater profitability.

Here are proven tips to scale your SMS marketing agency with GoHighLevel:

  • Specialize in niche markets – Become experts in specific industries to stand out.
  • Standardize processes – Document and systematize successful workflows for efficiency.
  • Automate everything – Use GoHighLevel tools like CRM, SMS, and email automation to reduce repetitive tasks.
  • Hire team members – Bring on sales reps, account managers, designers, and more.
  • Offer complementary services – Expand beyond just SMS marketing to extended value.
  • Develop partnerships – Team up with non-competing agencies for broader reach.
  • Go premium – Provide high-touch, white glove services for maximum profitability.
  • Get certified – Earn SMS certifications to elevate credibility like the Mobile Marketing Association.

The combination of niche specialization, systemization, automation, and premium services will empower your agency to scale profitably long-term.

Launch Your SMS Marketing Agency Today

The soaring popularity of text messaging presents a lucrative opportunity for digital marketing agencies to capitalize on SMS marketing.

As we have explored in this guide, GoHighLevel provides a compelling all-in-one platform for running an SMS marketing agency efficiently and profitably.

With the ability to centralize your agency operations, deeply integrate SMS via Twilio, automate workflows, analyze data, and manage clients seamlessly, GoHighLevel is genuinely a game changer.

Now is the time to gain expertise in leveraging automated SMS marketing to help businesses acquire more leads, make more sales, and engage customers anywhere, anytime.

Visit GoHighLevel today to start your free trial and get set up to launch your own successful SMS marketing agency!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does an SMS marketing agency do?

An SMS marketing agency helps businesses develop and execute SMS campaigns to acquire leads, drive sales, and engage customers via text messaging. Services include strategy, copywriting, automation setup, compliance, analytics, and optimization.

What are the most important KPIs to track for an SMS marketing agency?

Critical KPIs to track include new clients onboarded, package upsells, client retention rate, SMS messages sent, campaign response rate, click-through rate, and most importantly – revenue and profitability metrics.

What are some strategies for getting initial SMS marketing clients?

Offer free pilots, focus on high-opportunity niche markets, run co-marketing partnerships with aligned companies, speak at industry events, network religiously, run educational webinars, create applicable SMS content, and optimize for organic search rankings.

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